Recent News

December 2016 Medical Mission
Rev. Emeruwa Anyanwu is already in Nigeria in preparation for our December 2016/January 2017 Africa Medicaid Program Medical Mission. This mission will take him to our Care Centers locations are; Eziagbogu Health Center, Eziudo1 Health Center and Onicha Health Center all in Ezinihitte Mbaise in Eastern Nigeria. We will provide refills for our 158 enrolled clients as well as provide free care, testing, education, and medications and vitamins for poor adults in attendance. We will also provide a quick referral program for the patients to our consulting physicians if needed. For more information about this program and possibilities of setting up a Care Center in your community, please contact the Executive Director.

For more information about this program please contact any Unit Head in the nearest Health Center in Ezininhitte to contact our Care Center volunteers at Amagbo Health Center. To set up a Care Center in your community, please contact the Executive Director.

Rural Grain Storage Project, Mbaise
June 2016. Afrikind conducts a capacity building training for 75 rural women maize farmers in Mbaise, South East, Nigeria. This project  was made possible through a grant from The Pollination Project, based in the United States. GrainPro,Inc, a leader in the prevention of post-harvest losses for maize farmers in developing countries provided the GrainPro bags. The Local Project Committee  was led by Mr. Finian Ndukwu and Mr. Collins Anyanwu. The next stage of the project will look into the expansion of maize monocropping, the introduction of pro-vitamin maize species, the delivery of small hand tools for maize farming and the introduction of bio-intensive and organic farming. The next stage will be announced soon.

Oklahoma State University joins Afrikind’s Maize Project.
Prof. Bill Raun the director of the OSU Hand Planter for Maize has confirmed that our Maize farming and storage project will host the trail use of the renowned Oklahoma  State University GreenSeeder Hand Planter. Nigeria (Mbaise) will join Uganda and El Salvador in the selected trial run of the project. This tool will be deployed in the Maize Monocropping Scheme in Mbaise in 2017.

Afrikind to Set up a Haitian Medical Mission Project
Afrikind is in early talks with Dr. Lionel Anicette, a Haitian – American physician in New Jersey to launch a permanent Medical Mission in Haiti in 2017. Our Executive Director is scheduled to meet with Dr. Anicette to lay the ground game for this project. The Haitian Mission will garner medical supplies and medications from all major international mission support groups in the US to help the victims of the last storm in Haiti. Above all, the mission will set up the Haitian Medicaid Program that will model the Africa Medicaid Program but may target other illnesses in Haiti and set up a continuum of care rather than the usual year by year short mission program. Stay tuned!

Chief Kelechi Onyegbule to Join Afrikind BoD
Plans are in top gear to welcome Chief Onyegbule into the board of directors of Afrikind. Chief Onyegbule is a prominent progressive Nigerian-American in New Jersey. He is a well-known socialite, community leader. Chief Onyegbule will be coming in with a wealth of  experience in community development and extensive contacts in the Nigerian community in the United States.

Africa Medicaid Program

Africa Medicaid Program is a signature project designed to expand access to care, education, monitoring and refills to poor adults in rural areas of developing countries suffering from hypertension, diabetes or both at no cost. The project was launched in 2014 with the opening of a Care Center at Amagbo Ihitte, Health Center, Mbaise, Imo State, Eastern Nigeria.

The Mission: Africa Medicaid Program is committed to reducing/eradicating premature deaths resulting from manageable chronic diseases like diabetes and hypertension. The Vision: To improve health outcomes for the poor through targeted interventions. Target Population: Sick and poor adults suffering from Hypertension and Diabetes.

Why Africa Medicaid Program: The prevalence of chronic diseases like diabetes, and hypertension with their attendant complications like stroke and heart attacks, lead to premature deaths of people, especially the poor. Millions of poor sick individuals in Africa do not have enough money to sustain long term medication needs for these illnesses. Mortality rates are therefore understandably significantly higher among poor sick patients. It is a well-known fact that chronic health problems are costly to maintain and support, especially for the poor. There is therefore a great need for programs that specifically target this population to fill this gap and to assist poor patients for continuous refills, as well as to keep an accurate record of progress.

The Goals 1. To identify and qualify poor sick patients suffering from High blood pressure and diabetes. 2. To provide education regarding diabetes and hypertension, and ensure constant refill of needed prescription medication needed by qualified poor sick patients; 3. To sustain the medication needs of qualified patients for life at no cost; 4. To gradually expand the program to cover other geographical locations as well as identify other prevalent chronic illnesses and include more poor patient

Expected Outcomes/Results: 1. Poor individuals suffering from high blood pressure and diabetes will no longer die prematurely just because they could not afford needed medications. They can therefore have improved health outcomes and thus enjoy better quality of life. In turn, they will become more productive citizens who can fully participate in the local economic system and help sustain the local economy. 2. The rate of mortality caused by these two prevalent illnesses will drop dramatically because patients can remain on their medications as long as possible. We are meeting our goals and are poised to do more. Join us or make a donation to provide more access to healthcare for the poor in your community.

Our Achievements since 2014: We now have four Care Centers at Amagbo, Eziagbogu, Eziudo 1 and Onicha Health Centers. These centers provide care, education, monitoring and refills for 285 poor adults free of charge. We have dedicated Care staff, led by Oluchi Nwokoro, Head of Department, Ezinihitte Local Government Council, testing and monitoring equipment and medications provided by United States based mission organization including MAP International. Our impact survey shows that more that 75% of the beneficiaries believe that the program is helping make a difference in their lives. More than 85% agree that they are saving money, becoming healthier and do not need to sale family property to pay for care. To support and sustain this project, please make a donation today! Oluchi Nwokoro



Oluchi Nwokoro, Volunteer Supervisor, Africa Medicaid Program

Get Involved

The way  Afrikind raises money is as important as how we spend it. Nearly all our funding comes from highly committed individuals who direct a  share of their financial resources towards alleviating poverty especially in Africa. We have also partnered with many committed not for profit organizations in America and around the world who provide both financial, and material resources.
For now, the activities and projects of Afrikind are funded by the incredible commitment of the individual members at the International Secretariat in Texas, and the International Projects Office in New Jersey, USA.

For anyone or organization(s) of goodwill who would like to make a donation  of funds or materials, the following are the ways to get involved:

Meet Our Team

Board of Directors
Prof Anyanwu

Prof. Christian Anyanwu

Prof. Christian Anyanwu
Prof. Anyanwu is an African-born Philosopher and social scientist. He was also trained in the field of addiction medicine. He lives in Queens New York and currently teaches at the City University of New York. Prof Anyanwu’s area of interest includes effective and accountable leadership in Africa.


Mr. Solomon Nwokeforo

Elder Sir Fred Umennakwe

Elder Sir Fred Umunnakwe
Elder Fred Umunnakwe is a business consultant, entrepreneur, corporate & community leader. He is on the boards and executive council of many community organizations both in the United States and Nigeria. He brings with him huge community organizing and management skills. He lives in the state Georgia.


Dr. Mrs Christies Osuagwu

Dr. Christies Osuagwu

Dr.Christie Osuagwu
Mrs Osuagwu holds a Diploma in Nursing and Midwifery, B.Sc in Nursing,M.Sc in Public Planning and Administration, M.Sc in Nursing and a PhD in Nursing. She is currently an Assistant Professor of Community Health & Preventive Medicine/Nurse Practitioner at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Tyler (UTHSCT), USA. She lives in Tyler Tx.


Dr. Edward Oparaoji

Prof. Edward Oparaoji

Prof. Edward Oparaoji
Dr. Oparaoji is former Howard University Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences and an expert in Global Medical Services delivery. Currently, he is a Director at Boehringer-Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals Inc. and CEO at ECUDOMEF;a non-profit organization whose mission is to enhance the quality of life of the underprivileged Nigerian, through the facilitation of access to affordable purposeful education and quality healthcare. He lives in Pennsylvania.


Robert O Unegbu

Robert O Unegbu

Robert O Unegbu
President/ Co-Founder
Robert is a doctorate student of Human Services at Walden University. He also has a master’s degree in Social Work an undergraduate degree in Sociology. Previously, Robert was the National Executive President of the All Nigeria United Nations Students and Youth Association (ANUNSA) for eight years. He lives in Tyler Tx.


Chijike K Ndukwu

Chijike K Ndukwu
Executive Director/Co-Founder
Chijike holds a graduate degree in Community Economic Development at the Southern New Hampshire University, Manchester New Hampshire. He also has both undergraduate and graduate degrees in Architecture. Chijike was formally the National Secretary-General of the All Nigeria United Nations Students and Youth Association (ANUNSA) for more than ten years. He lives in East Orange, New Jersey.


Engr. Solomon U Nwokeforo
Engr Nwokeforo holds a bachelor’s degree in Engineering and nursing. He is a Community leader and the Secretary –General of Ndugba United, a very progressive non-profit community organization based in Maryland, USA.

Executive Team
Robert O Unegbu, Msw, (PhD in view)

Chijike K Ndukwu, M.Sc (Arch), M.S, CED
Executive Director

Petus C Nwoke, B.Ed, LL. B
Director of Strategic Programs

Dr. Felix Onyeise, MD
Consultant for Medical Missions and Africa Medicaid Program

Dr. Chikwendu Enwere MD
Medical Oversight Consultant
Africa Medicaid Program

Mrs. Oluchi Nwokoro
Head, Department of Health
Ezinihitte Mbaise Local Government Council, Itu
Volunteer Supervisor, Africa Medicaid Program

Strategic International Representations:

Prof. Deborah N Mpka
Nigeria Resident Representative
Prof Mrs. Mkpa holds a doctorate degree in education specializing counseling. She is a Professor of Education at Abia State University, Uturu, Nigeria has extensive experience in community organizing and economic empowerment of women and youth. She is the wife of Professor M.A Mkpa,  former Vice-Chancellor of Abia State University and currently the Secretary of the State Government of Abia State, Nigeria. She lives in Nigeria

Mr. Sixtus Ebere
European Resident Representative
Mr. Ebere holds both undergraduate and graduate degrees in Sociology and Anthropology. He speaks English, Italian, and Igbo and has extensive international experience in program planning and organizational management. He lives in Forli, Italy.

Ms. Maryann Kadenge, B.S Agriculture
Program Manager
Food Security

From the Executive Director’s Desk


The year 2016 has been a very important year for all of us at Afrikind International Foundation, as well as for all individuals we serve. Riding on the wave of the expansion of our Africa Medicaid Program to reach 3 more rural communities, we had some 158 adults in our care. These individual who are suffering from hypertension and diabetes will continue to access care, monitoring, education and refill. Thanks to the many international organizations who support our refill program- making sure our clients have the life-saving medications they need continuously. Our Vitamin Distribution Program will take off this 2016. We are preparing to send two individuals training and will take delivery of large quantities of supplies – thanks too, to our generous supporters.

But most importantly, we will be delving into sustainable agriculture and food security programs this year. With a grant from The Pollination Project, we will be providing capacity building training for rural  women maize farmers in Mbaise, South East Nigeria. This grant will allow us to procure the world renowned GrainPro bags to enable the farmers sustainably increase productivity and independence by limiting or eradicating post-harvest losses from pests. This will set the foundation for gigantic agricultural revolution we plan to build from maize farming

I am grateful to all our volunteers, supporters and our clients for their doggedness and perseverance especially Rev. & Mrs. Emeruwa Anyanwu of the Amazing Grace Mercy Missions in New Jersey for their commitment and unwavering optimism in the work we do.

We welcome your partnerships and donations at all times. Join us. Volunteer with us. Make a donation today. Join us to help make a difference.

Thank you.

Chijike K Ndukwu, MS
Executive Director