The year 2016 has been a very important year for all of us at Afrikind International Foundation, as well as for all individuals we serve. Riding on the wave of the expansion of our Africa Medicaid Program to reach 3 more rural communities, we had some 158 adults in our care. These individual who are suffering from hypertension and diabetes will continue to access care, monitoring, education and refill. Thanks to the many international organizations who support our refill program- making sure our clients have the life-saving medications they need continuously. Our Vitamin Distribution Program will take off this 2016. We are preparing to send two individuals training and will take delivery of large quantities of supplies – thanks too, to our generous supporters.
But most importantly, we will be delving into sustainable agriculture and food security programs this year. With a grant from The Pollination Project, we will be providing capacity building training for rural women maize farmers in Mbaise, South East Nigeria. This grant will allow us to procure the world renowned GrainPro bags to enable the farmers sustainably increase productivity and independence by limiting or eradicating post-harvest losses from pests. This will set the foundation for gigantic agricultural revolution we plan to build from maize farming
I am grateful to all our volunteers, supporters and our clients for their doggedness and perseverance especially Rev. & Mrs. Emeruwa Anyanwu of the Amazing Grace Mercy Missions in New Jersey for their commitment and unwavering optimism in the work we do.
We welcome your partnerships and donations at all times. Join us. Volunteer with us. Make a donation today. Join us to help make a difference.
Thank you.
Chijike K Ndukwu, MS
Executive Director
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