1. Medical Missions to rural areas
2. Africa Medicaid Program
3. Food Security, Agriculture and Climate Change mitigation
4. Formal and informal Education Projects
5. Economic Empowerment Programs
6. Community services
7. Special Projects and Trainings
Medical Missions
The goal of our medical mission is to provide access to a doctor for millions of poor adults, women, young people and children who may not have the money to see a doctor from year to year. Millions of poor people die either for lack of care or as a result of fake medications. Every year, our missions provide quality medications to thousands of people who would otherwise fall prey to deadly medications.
Our unique and successful medical mission model is providing rare access to care and quality medications, referrals for major sicknesses and surgeries as well as after care services for the poor around the world as a way of building a long-term sustainable solution.
We mobilize medical volunteers from America and Africa to treat poor individuals who may stand in need at our medical missions, keeping the line of communication and access to a doctor open for any after service care. We rescue thousands of people from the pay or die healthcare system in many developing countries.
Africa Medicaid Program
Africa Medicaid program is a signature project that targets poor adults in rural areas suffering from hypertension or diabetes or both. The goal of this program is to provide a rare access to specialized management care and refills for this community. We provide education, testing/retesting, monitoring and refills on an ongoing basis to more than 250 poor adults in Mbaise, Eastern Nigeria. This project allows the beneficiaries to save lots of out of pocket medical expenses, remain on needed quality medications and have the access to constantly check the status of their health from time to time. We currently have four Care centers, volunteer doctors, pharmacists and health educators on call, all these at no cost. We have built a sustainable solution around these two socially crippling sicknesses for the poor and have lots of stories to tell from the beneficiaries. See our YouTube videohttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxGvPMYPjnyxfA10_6VB_5A
Food Security, Agriculture and Climate Change
Without enough nutritious food to eat, man becomes marasmic and dies. Yet one in every eight individuals in the world — more than 800million — are trapped in an ugly daily battle with hunger and poverty. For most people who live below the poverty line and who grow their own food in rural communities where the cost of food is about 70% of household income, hunger is a crisis when viable seeds and crops are destroyed by beetles or the soil fails to yield as a result of climate change. It becomes a daily battle when there is no money to buy basic food to lead a health productive lives or seeds and crops for the next planting season. Malnutrition hits and drags the poor lower the poverty line. We are partnering with GrainPro LLC to provide a revolutionary seed and crop storage technology that will allow small holder farmers preserve their viable seeds for the next planting season as well as more crops for food.
We engage rural farmers in trainings and capacity building on climate change mitigation strategies, animal husbandry and food production using high yielding species. We are investing on long term strategies that will sustain future food security helping famers manage their land, increase their harvests and diversify crops to produce a larger, more nutritious, and stable food supply. We teach nutrition and hygiene, ensuring that families can utilize their resources to boost their health. We connect farmers with new markets, help them form cooperative groups and introduce more efficient methods of tending productive livestock and processing. Together with GrainPro, we provide the technology for storing crops to increase incomes for many years to come.
Promoting/supporting formal and informal Education
Education is the foundation for progress, but extreme poverty is its greatest enemy. For many reasons other than extreme poverty, individuals, and their communities often can’t reach their full potential. We work to bring access to education to young people and children to help break the circle of poverty and ignorance ensure a better future for all.
But sometimes young people do not want to continue with formal education after High School. They simply want to learn a trade. We assist by connecting them with reputable skill trainers and provide the initial investment after the training program.
We provide very affordable school supplies like computers and other teaching and learning aids to student and teachers. Because water and sanitation is a critical problem in many rural schools, we ensure that adequate toilet facilities, running water, and training in personal hygiene are part of the school system.
Economic Empowerment Opportunities
Every community has its unique market that keeps them thriving. But poverty and lack of infrastructure can prevent people from taking part in those daily transactions on which all growth and progress will depend. We discover why exchanges of goods and services get stuck and how those who are not able to actively participate can be included. We believe that inclusiveness is a part of the solution.
In some places, small scale manufacturers need loans to purchase equipment or expand and young people crave job skills. In others places, transportation systems to markets are unavailable and farmers require a rare opportunity to present their products for sale
Our economic empowerment projects provide funding, equipment, business training or technical support. Apart from helping people find jobs, sustain their businesses, participate in commerce in their communities and earn a decent living, we connect them to markets outside their communities and countries through e-commerce.
We pay particular attention to women and youth-thereby investing in a long-term effort for sustainable lives and communities.
Supporting Community Services
Rural communities have community institutions that try every day to serve them. They may be dilapidated Health Center without basic equipment, schools without seats, libraries, books or toilets for student or open markets without shade. It may be community center without light or a rural community with no access to clean water. We discover what community services that can relive rural population from further pains, suffering, and despair.
We work with local authorities and community development association to provide or sustain permanent local institutions and services that bring smiles on the faces or ordinary people in the remote or rural area.
Special Projects and Trainings
From time to time, Afrikind engages in activities, programs, projects and services that promote sustainable social change, volunteerism, community organizing and policy advocacy geared towards poverty alleviation and building sustainable lives and communities.